Like with the normal Primaris Repulsor, I wanted to try improving on the base model. The main Executioner heavy cannon looks great, but I find the asymmetry offputting (and I'm not the only one); and besides, the twin barrels on a large tank was a great look ever since the Mastodon tank from the old Command and Conquer games.
So I got one and modeled this bit:
Got it printed from Shapeways (you can too; I do earn a commission worth a cup of coffee if you do), and put it on the model.
Mouting the cannon was pretty difficult. I couldn't find a good way to model a latching mechanism that would work nice out of the box; the front plate of the turret needs to be cut off and made flat no matter what I did. So in the and, I gave up; I cut off the front plate of the turret, used sprues to rebuild it flat, milliput to fill out all gaps. Here's what that looked like in the end:
Then I spent a lot of time sanding it smooth:
The turret just happened to slot in perfectly after that.
As with the original Repulsor conversion, I moved the turret weapon to the chassis in place of the heavy bolters, and moved the bolters to a pair of sponsons.
Later I also decided to push the turret backwards a bit. It makes the tank look much better in person, resembling my Fellblade and Deimos Predators a bit. I had to sand off a chunk of the upper plate to make this work, and countersink the icarus stubber lower into the chassis. It also doesn't turn no more. I'm ok with that.
Other than that, it's the same conversion as before. I used the same Predator sponsons as on the original model, except these aren't magnetized since one can't mount lascannons on an Executioner for whatever reason.
Thanks for looking!