Friday, July 5, 2019

First attempt at freehand!

Here it is!

I'll need to clean up the edges around it a bit, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. After weathering it's going to be even better!

I basically followed Vince Venturella's guide on how to do detail freehand. The first point is to just be brave and go for it; errors will happen but they are easy to fix. The second is to give all areas adequate attention in parallel, instead of focusing on one part at a cost of another.

In my case, it meant:

  • Iterating on the sketch on paper
  • Moving it to the model with a pencil
  • Outlining it with a brush
  • Doing base colors and transitions
  • Fixing up things and making things more precise.
I used a fairly normal NMM gold palette - FW Sepia ink, Vallejo Game Air Leather Brown and Bonewhite, and white ink for highlights.

Anyway! Here are some additional pics I took while working on this. If you have additional advice to improve on it, it's welcome!


  1. impressive m8! It looks very good. I've tried freehand before and it didn't work out very well. Awesome that you took pics of how you got the end result.

  2. Superb! That’s going to be a great looking Maniple
