Saturday, November 3, 2018

Plague Doctor Knight Conversion

Here's something I've been working on. It took a lot of work to get there; repositioning legs, inverting a left hand into right, 3D modeling fingers and hand accessories, and sculpting a faceplate.

I'm intending to build a little diorama. The current idea is that he'd be walking in a medieval town at night with a lantern. Not imposing, not dangerous, but slightly unnerving and spooky if anything. I removed all weapons and I like that look for what I'm going for.

He's still held together with bluetac, but I'm thinking about posing him kinda like in these pictures. Slowly walking, leaning on his cane to look old and fragile, lifting his lantern in anticipation of who knows what. There might be rats on the streets or something, I don't know. We'll see when we get there.

On a sidenote, I haven't been posting a lot recently, but I've been painting a lot. My Space Marine collection is crazy big now; 60+ crusaders, ~40 elites, 8 tanks, 4 dreadnoughts etc. I am working on the Fellblade now, and I feel like wrapping up that army. It'll probably be done with it within a few months, and I'm planning to take a family pic once it's done.

Here are some more pics. If you'd like to know more about something specific that I did here, please ask below. Hope you find this interesting, and thank you for looking.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work converting the fist to the oppoaite arm and the fingers on the Plague Censer / Lantern arm too
