Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tesla Immortals Done!

Not much to say here. I took my time with these, tried to make them look their best. I also increased the amount of highlighting on the black parts, simply to make them stand out more. There is no OSR on these models really, so there needed to be something to make shapes discernible. I like it. I should eventually go back and add highlights to my other Immortals and Warriors.


  1. Looks good, super sexy, can you tell me which paints you used?

  2. Thanks!

    Black primer goes first.

    Blacks are a solid coat of Eshin grey, drybrush Dawnstone, Nuln oil, edge highlight in Dawnstone. Doing the wash after drybrushing is unusual but it makes the model matte and darker.

    Blues are gradients between Dawnstone and Fenrisian Grey, edge highlighted with Ulthuan Grey.

    For reds, paint white first as bright colors don't work on black primer that well. Then paint Wild Rider Red and transitions to Troll Slayer Orange and Yriel Yellow. Thin glaze or highlight in Dorn Yellow in the brightest parts.
