Here's a couple of quick work in progress pics. I'm very happy with how these blue gradients turned out. I can't wait to finish these destroyers!
Thanks for looking
Epic stories about removing mold lines and destroying brushes with poor technique.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Converted Heavy Destroyers
Here are the pics!
I was thinking of creating some over-shoulder aiming stuff that normal Heavy Destroyers have, but it just doesn't make any sense. They already have all the optics on their heads, and if there were any reason to add aiming stuff they'd be integrated to their guns. I also considered mounting some on the guns and linking them up with their skulls or something, but it's busy enough, I think.
Anyway, here are the pics. Upon looking at them I decided to revisit some greenstuffed surfaces and sand them smoother; this is before the process.
Thanks for looking!
I was thinking of creating some over-shoulder aiming stuff that normal Heavy Destroyers have, but it just doesn't make any sense. They already have all the optics on their heads, and if there were any reason to add aiming stuff they'd be integrated to their guns. I also considered mounting some on the guns and linking them up with their skulls or something, but it's busy enough, I think.
Anyway, here are the pics. Upon looking at them I decided to revisit some greenstuffed surfaces and sand them smoother; this is before the process.
Thanks for looking!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Warriors and Scarabs Done!
Here a few pics of my recently converted Warriors and a few scarabs. This took some time, I was mostly busy with work.
Not much to say, most of these have their legs converted in some way, but I already talked about that.
Thanks for looking!
Not much to say, most of these have their legs converted in some way, but I already talked about that.
Thanks for looking!